Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Coming Soon ~ Famished Love Lucky Between the Sheets

It's almost time for everything GREEN! Are you ready to get Lucky?

BTS is coming back with a St. Patrick's themed anthology and Michele and I have once again joined the group to give you something a little different.

Our book is called Famished Love ~ Omega Corp for a few reasons. We have used a folklore/demon for this story that involves a Fear Gorta, which according to legend lead to the potato famine in Ireland. It's also related to hunger grass...which is weird unto itself.

In our story our group of agents, have to stop the Fear Gorta from killing more people during St. Patrick's day which seems to be the most popular time for him to start reaping souls.

Please note, this book has m/m, m/m/f, m/f and m/f/m themes.

Here's a sneak peek:

Omega Corp, the new division of British Intelligence, had no idea where, to begin with, this ludicrous situation either. Miss Reeve, on the other hand, believed ley lines beneath London had been activated. That, I understood. However, the theory of such things as ley lines and spells that could unlock them, weren't trusted science.
They were folklore.
  Nevertheless, it appeared not only were we dealing with something that caused people to become whatever these bodies were, but there were also sightings of horned monsters and apparitions of demonic entities. London was fast becoming a hotbed of activity and we were in the thick of it. Something Miss Reeve warned might happen if we didn't take the situation seriously.
God, what a woman. She was tall; had black hair that she pinned into a severe bun and azure eyes. She loved ruby-red lipstick and pencil skirts. She wore heels everywhere, and on more than one occasion I imagined those fucking legs of hers wrapped around my neck as I feasted on her pussy. 
Nathan closed the drawer. “We won’t be able to keep covering this up. People will see what is happening.”
I shrugged. “For now, it’s epidemic.” British Intelligence minimized the damages, but bloggers were already writing about it. Of course, the majority of them were confirmed conspiracy theorists. Others thrived off of urban legends. Monsters were the scuttle bug among the internet community.
The only thing we had going for us... Some of the deaths weren’t happening in populous places. One had been a tiny community near Wales. Another near Darby. If the bodies hadn’t been photographed and sent to British Intelligence and then forwarded to us, I wouldn’t have believed they were connected.
“The ridiculousness of this...”
I placed my finger to Nathan’s lips, stilling his statement. We couldn’t talk about it, even if we were in a lab. Even if we were underground, in a morgue, and the only living, breathing people there were us. The warm softness of his mouth drew me closer to him. The burning attraction between us hadn’t dampened since meeting Anne, in fact, it only shone brighter since her arrival.
I’d had six months to myself with Nathan, learning everything I could about him, and his fifteen-year-old daughter. The first time I kissed him, he’d admonished me. “Not in front of my daughter.” His daughter had been in her room, but the nervous way he said those words with a soft groan of yearning, left me lightheaded and wanting him even more.
“Not here,” he whispered.
“Not in public, you mean.” I stepped closer to him. “Not in front of the dead.” The corner of my mouth slid upward in a satisfied smirk.
Nathan’s breath hitched. His dark-brown eyes swirled with lust. “We’re working.”
We were. “Later.”
He rolled his eyes. “We shouldn’t even be doing this at all.” He was afraid we’d get caught one day by MI6 or worse, his daughter.
She’d been through so much at such a young age. Her mother died when she was a tot. Cancer robbed Nathan of his wife. It robbed both mother and daughter of a life spent planning every event in Elizabeth’s life. Now, it’d been up to Nathan to help her with those plans. He did well enough, except when it came to his life and moving on. He worried what his daughter might say if daddy was caught kissing another man, never mind if she ever caught daddy kissing another man and woman—if I had it my way.
So, I tried to give him space. Six months didn’t seem like very long in the grand scheme of things, however, my cock and balls would say otherwise. “We should. I promise you.” I backed away from him and finished loading up the files of the victims. “We’ll have the autopsy reports by the end of the week. I suspect they’ll be the same as the others.”
Nathan blew out a breath. “I believe you’re right.”

This is a KU exclusive and you can pre-order your copy now for only 99cents!

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